Welcome to Football Season

Happy September! This is the glorious month when Summer gives way to Football Season. Five months of non-stop football, a season designed to give Americans like me a distraction from election season. But, you ask, what about all the election ads on football broadcasts?

My suggestion? Take a deep breath and ignore the election fury. Then visualize all the money from those ads flowing into the pockets of a billionaire owner of your favorite pro team. Or better yet, picture the cash being forked over to the pay-for-play "student athletes" on your college team to keep them away from the transfer portal.

If that doesn't calm you down, try slamming down some of the beers advertised during the game. From the looks of it, apparently that is the sure path to a carefree life!

Enjoy Football Season, stay safe, and thanks for your support! Dennis "DJ" Quinn

Trying to cope with a college football fan?

It's a fact: For the next few months the college football fans in your life will slip into an alternate reality. They will adopt a tribal mentality, their lives focused on teams they worship in the spotlight of sports TV. Are these people driving you crazy? If so, this description from USA Today columnist Dan Wolken may help you understand:

...Every college football fan has chosen to invest their happiness, their money and their time in following a certain program. Sometimes that choice was merely the byproduct of going to college, or perhaps it was handed down from parents or grandparents. But at some point, everyone who becomes an emotional wreck every Saturday made a conscious decision to care deeply about a sport where 18-to-22 year-olds hit each other and toss around an oblong ball.

There's one problem, though, that they don't tell you about until it's too late. As a college football fan, your well-being is going to be disproportionately dependent on the choices that others make. Even worse, most of those choices are going to look very stupid in retrospect... (Dan Wolken, USA Today, Sept. 1, 2024)

Good luck, enjoy Football Season, and Go Huskies!


Happy October


Getting High on God